Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nøgne Ø: Peculiar Yule

Spiced Winter Ale
Nøgne Ø Brewery
Grimstad, Norway
ALC/VOL: 6.5%

Last chance to get in another good winter beer. I mean, it's "NOT", but i already see the good winter ales and dark stouts disappearing from shelves. Not sure why. It's cold as balls.

Lets get right to it. A friend brought this beer over one night and i really enjoyed it. They don't sell it at my usual place, so i had to defect and try my luck at another craft beer shop. This beer smells "spiced" with a quick whiff of the bottle. It's a nice mix of calming medicinal scents and a tinge of sweet barbecue flavorings. At first inhalation, it almost comes off as savory.

Time to drink. To note, this beer is best enjoyed a little warmer than most. The brewer recommends a temp at around 55º. The taste is a lot less savory than the smell. You get a nice warm mix of cinnamon and coriander up front, a strong bold ale middle and just a wisp of ginger on the tail end. Truth be told, while I love this beer, i think it would be better suited with a little more alcohol, maybe 8-9%. I think that would complement these complex spices more. Because of it's lower alc. content, it almost comes off as a cider a your mouth adjusts towards the end of the bottle. Maybe I'll buy a few bottles and store them for a little while, see if i get anything else out of it.

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